350 TODAY!
Today we climbed the North East Buttress of Angels Landing in honor of 350! Jasmine Canton, Evan Stevens, Mikey Schaefer and I took a banner to the top of Angels landing, and talked to tons of people on top and everyone on the way down. Maybe 100 people? Hard to...
350 ZION National Park
Join us climbing in Zion! Climb to the top of Angels Landing and lets talk 350!  Lets tell the world, and everyone we see on top of Angels Landing about the need to get our global CO2 down to 350 ppm. We desperately need to convince the world leaders to make this...
24 Hours of Horseshoe HELL
aaaaaarrrrrgggg how do I describe raw fingertips and a sore back in black and white words? Imagine climbing on friendly sandstone jugs for 24 hours and just try to think how your skin would feel after the fact. Yikes, we couldn't even zip the bags closed to fly home....
Fly Fishing on a tributary of the Togiak
Just of the river on the Togaik wildlife refuge with my Dad and Brother, Mikey and the Paradox sports crew Malcolm and Karen Daly, Vijay Viswanathan. We did one and a half days of portaging around a 20 ft waterfall, carrying 4 rafts, 7 days worth of food, and piggy...
Come to the Lavender Festival!
come to the lavender festival.... it is this weekend, the 11-12th I am making jewelry between climbing days to sell at the festival, along with other craft vendors, pottery, lavender sachets and eye pillows made from antique kimono silk. There will be lavender...
corigated Namibian roads have lead me home….
In the last 10 days, we found it, cleaned it, climbed it, hiked out, bought baskets, flew home, and whew, here I am back in Yosemite…… The memories are a swirl of red granite, bird poo, a 2,000 year old painted giraffe, hidden water holes, beautiful wildlife, and...
A glimpse of Namibia
Here's a short video that Chris Alstrin put together for me. More to come. Looking past the Quiver tree (the San used this pithy wood to make poison tipped arrows) to the Namibian granite beyond!
!Namibia: climbing in Spitzcoppe
prickly beauty basket weaving finchs have homes everwhere a yellow billed hornbill thanks piet! More stories will come, but probably not for about 3 weeks. Today we Picked up Peter Doucette and Gabe Rogel, Chris Alstrin will come in meet us in a few days.... and off...
going to NAMIBIA!
my life in lipstick and robins egg blue (new routing adventure in Namibia) in an hour I will be airborne, way up over the Atlantic, 15 hours to Johannesburg South Africa, and then a few more hours to Windhoek, Namibia. I packed yesterday in a flurry..... the day...
Thanks Matt
Many thanks to Matt Bain at a mastermind of graphic design, I wish I could afford to have him make art for me....