Girls on the FREERIDER

A solstice send by Kate Rutherford and Madaleine Sorkin PHOTOS BY MIKEY SCHAEFER, stories by Kate Rutherford (below) 2010.06.22 Kate and Madaleine on FreeRider – Images by Mikey Schaefer

we freed el Cap!

The princess cruse up the Freerider, and all womens team free ascent…. I have approximately 30 bruises, I tried to count them, but some blend together, 5 gobbles (cuts or abrasions from the rock), one on the ankle, one on each shoulder, a small one on my hand,...


How I have gotten so busy, I don’t know, I apologize for my delinquency. Here is an update from the spring in Yosemite. I think what happened is that is was dark and rainy for the whole month of May, and while we climbed a bit in the rain, mostly we just moped...